Saturday 29 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12

I Gibeon, Solomon haed a vision o the Lord i a dream bi nicht; an God says tae him, "Say whit A am tae gie ye." An Solomon says, "An nou, O Lord ma God, ye hae made yer servant kin i the place o David ma father; an A am only a young boy, wi nae knowledge o hou tae gae oot or come i. An yer servant has round him the people o yer selection, a people sae great that they canna be numbered, an nae account o thaim can be given. Gie yer servant, then, a wise heart for judgin yer people, able tae see whit is guid an whit ill; for wha is able tae be the judge o this great people?" Nou these words an Solomon's request were pleasin tae the Lord. An God says tae him, "Because yer request is for this thing, an no for long life for yoursel or for wealth or for the destruction o yer haters, but for wisdom tae be a judge o causes, A hae done as ye says. A hae gien ye a wise an far-seein heart, sae thare has niver been yer equal i the past, an niver will thare be ony like ye i the future."

[Own translation, level 1 25/07/20. Details of methodology here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 118: 57, 72, 76-77, 127-130  (resp. v. 97)

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

The Laird is ma heirskip:
A hae said that A wad be ruled by yer wirds.
The law o yer mou is better tae me
nor thoosands in gowd an siller.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

Lat yer mercy nou be ma easement,
as ye hae said tae yer servand.
Lat yer lown mercies come tae me till A hae life;
for yer law is my ma delite.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

For this reason A hae mair luve for yer lear
nor for gowd, e'en for sheenin gowd.
Acause o't A haud straucht by yer orders in aw things;
an A am an ill-willer o ilka fause wey.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

Yer uncheengin wird is fou o wunner;
for this raison ma saul hauds tae't.
The appenin o yer wirds gies licht;
it gies mense tae the semple.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

[From Psalm 119 in The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Second reading
Romans 8: 28-30

We ken, mairowre, at the Spírit wurks for their guid wi them at luves God - the, at is, at hes been caa'd conform til his eternal purpose. Them at he choised for his ain i the auld he pre-ordeined suid become like his Son, sae at his Son suid be the auldest o a familie o monie brithirs. Them at he sae pre-ordeined he hes caa'd, an them at he hes caa'd he hes juistifíed, an them he hes juistifíed he hes glorifíed.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Matthew 13: 44-52

[Jesus spak' until the thrang:] "Again, the kingdom o’ heaven is like until treasure hidet in a field; the whilk whan a man hath fund, he hideth, an’ for joy thereo’ gaeth an’ selleth a’ that he hath, an’ coffeth that field.

"Again, the kingdom o’ heaven is like until a merchantman seekin’ guidly pearls: Wha, whan he hath fund ae pearl o’ great price, gaed an’ sauld a’ that he had, an’ coft it.

"Again, the kingdom o' heaven is like a net, that was coost intil the sea, an’ gather’t o’ ilka kind: Whilk whan it was fu’, they drew til shore, an’ sat doun an’ gather’t the guid intil creels, but coost the bad awa. Sae sall it be at the en’ o’ the warld; the angels sall come furth, an’ shed the wicket frae amang the just, an’ sall cast them intil the kill o’ fire; there sall be greetin’ an’ runchin’ o’ teeth."

Jesus saith until them, "Hae ye understood a’ thae things?" They say until him, "Ay, Lord." Syne said he until them, "Therefore ilka scribe wha is instruckit until the kingdom o’ heaven is like until a man that is a househaulder, wha bringeth furth out o' his treasure things new an’ auld."

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here]

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